Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thing #1

A lifelong learner is someone who is willing to learn new things no matter how old they are and get.
The easiest habit for me of the 7 1/2 habits is # 7 "Teach/Mentor others". This habit is easy for me because once I learn something new I always share and pass on the information to someone else especially my kids.
The hardest of the 7 1/2 habits for me is # 4 "Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner". This habit is difficult for me because I sometimes have trouble in trusting myself and my abilities. I often second guess myself even when I know that I am right. I know that I should trust myself and believe in what I am doing or trying to accomplish.

Thing #2

I decided to pick the name Mrs. K because it is very hard for people to say pronounce my name. I know that if is hard for adults to pronounce my name, then it will definitely be hard for my future students to say it. I created my avatar to look nothing like me because in real life I am a tomboy at heart. I rarely dress up and if I do then I will wear slacks, but never a dress or skirt. I wanted to create my avatar based on what I am trying to merge into since someday I will become a teacher. Creating this blog was a little hard for me because I rarely use a computer unless I am typing a paper or submitting assignments. I understand the basic knowledge of using a computer such as power on/off and etc, but learning all of the other stuff will probably be a challenge for me.

Thing # 3

I will use a blog in my future classroom as a tool of communication amongst my students, parents , and myself. I believe that it will be a great way for my students to check homework assignments, test dates, lectures, and etc. For example, if a student was absent from school and didn't want to fall behind on classwork then they could view the blog and find all of the information that was needed for the assignment. A blog would also be a great tool for parents if they wanted to check in on what their child's was learning in class. A blog is a perfect solution if you don't have time to make a phone call or send an email to each parent.