Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thing # 20

 The Youtube video that I chose to ad to my blog is Reality PD | High School Social Studies | Engage students at all learning levels in rigorous work. I chose this blog because History/Social Studies is the subject that I want to teach. This video is a great tutorial for providing others with strategies for teaching Social Studies. This video also discusses the importance of challenging the students by doing a variety of activities to enhance their knowledge of the topic. I love the Youtube website! I love that it is not only for entertainment, but it can be used for educational purposes as well. There is a video for any topic.The educational videos can also be used for students to complete assignments, but the site should be monitored during classroom usage due to some of its inappropriate material. There should definitely be a parental control setting set up for this site while being used in the classroom.

Thing # 18

It is very important as a teacher to know how social networking works.Facebook is the #1 social networking website. I love Facebook because it allows me to stay in contact with relatives, old friends, and meet new people. It is also very addictive and is easier to use than Twitter. Facebook is also a great for to stay in contact with one another and share information. Although Facebook is a social networking website, teachers should be mindful of the comments that they post.Teachers are held at a higher standard, so always be professional with the comments that you post. I don't see how these sites could be helpful in the classroom setting because there are other helpful education sites that would be more beneficial.

Thing # 15

Wiki is also known as Wikipedia. Wiki!!!! everyone has used wiki at least once. Wiki is simply a web based encyclopedia designed to be read and edited by anyone. I rarely use wikipedia because the information within the text may be false because anyone can go in and alter the page. Teachers can use this website to keep students updated about what is going on within the classroom. Teachers can also use it to as a discussion board for questions and concerns,upcoming assignments, uploading homework, or even to plan events.

Thing # 17

Delicious is an interesting site. I had no clue that social bookmarking websites even existed. Delicious was very easy to navigate through and allowed me to search for websites by tags. I think that Delicious is a great site for teachers to use especially in the classroom. It is also a great way for teachers to share websites with other teachers and parents. This sites provides you with information very quickly, so it can definitely be used within the classroom to enhance the instruction of the curriculum. I love this site!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thng # 16

The start page that I chose was iGoogle. I chose iGoogle because it was easy to access. I already have a Gmail account which is on the start up page, so it makes it very convenient. I enjoyed being able to customize my own page. I have the weather available, so that I can see what the temperature will be for the day. The online calender is a great tool to have. I have such a busy schedule everyday, so it is a great way to keep me organized for what is to come next. I will definitely keep this as my homepage. I would recommend iGoogle to anyone who wants to get organized.

Thing # 13

Zoho Writer and Google Docs are two internet based applications that you where spreadsheets and document can be created. These are great tools to use within the classroom because downloading software is not required. I would choose Goggle Docs because it is easier to use. I was a little confused trying to browse through the Zoho writer.

Thing #14

The flowchart that I explored was The tool that I chose to use from Gliffy was the Venn Diagram. I chose the Venn Diagram because they are very easy for the students to determine the similarities and differences between things. The mind map that I chose to use was I chose this mind map because I love the idea of having students brainstorm. I would definitely use this in my classroom because it is a great way to require the students to use critical thinking. It is also a great way to organize ideas.   

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thing # 9: Generators

I created this generator because this is a positive message for everyone. I firmly believe that if you don't believe in yourself, then don't expect for anyone else to believe in you. A person should know and value their self-worth. "Anything is possible, if you put your mind to it"!!!!!

I will definitely use generators in my classroom and for my own personal use. These generators are great ways to motivate others as well as myself. The graphics are cool and very catchy to the eye. The best part about it  is that you can create whatever you want.

Thing # 12:

Google is definitely more than just a search engine. There are so many more things that you can do with Google. The calendar is a great tool to use if you like to be organized. I created an academic calendar for this semester. This is a backup plan in order to keep me organized just in case I forget to to write it down in my planner.Having a calendar can also be a great way for teachers to set up schedules regarding classwork and lectures. It is a great way for parents to view their child's daily assignments and upcoming events.

 I also created a Google alert. This is a great tool to have if you want to stay posted with what is going on. I chose to stay alerted with football and basketball (because I am a huge sports fan). I chose to be alerted when educational seminars will be available in my local area. I chose this because this is a great way to get tips and resources on effective teaching. Having an alert is a great reminder for me because I can sometimes be forgetful.

Thing # 11:

I found that using Google Blog Search was the easiest for me. By typing in the keywords, it gave me a variety of options to choose from. I rarely use the computer, but when I need to search for something I always use Google. I was able to maneuver through the blogs very easily.

I found that was more confusing than helpful for me. It was confusing because whenever I would try and search for a blog then random things would pull up in the search. For example, I searched "effective teaching for Social Studies", and research for canine case studies was the main topic for the search.

Making Curriculum POP!! was an interesting feed that I found. There were great ideas and tips that enhanced the curriculum by teaching using pop culture.This is a great way to hook your students in with teaching by using demonstrations with today's entertainment. Kids love that stuff!!!!!

Thing # 10: RSS

Google Reader was very easy to access and it was even easier to set up an account because I already had a Gmail account. Subscribing to a RSS and newsreader was even easier. I probably wouldn't subscribe to any personal feeds because I rarely access the Internet unless it is for completing school work. I was able to subscribe to some interesting feeds. I chose several Social Studies feeds because that is the subject that want to teach. The feeds that I chose had great tips, offered lesson plans, and different instructional strategies for teaching Social Studies.

I will use RSS and newsreaders in my classroom when I began teaching. It will give me the opportunity to teach my students using different methods. There are constant updates for the feeds ,so I will always be updated with new information. I believe that teachers can use RSS for a variety of things. Teachers could use it to research different activities to teach a lecture. Technology is constantly growing and with the RSS and newsreaders updating information regularly; this is a great way for teachers to constantly receive information.

Thing # 8: Mashups

                                            I chose "Spell with Flickr". I chose this mashup
because it was a really cool way to turn a
word into a piece of artwork. Of coarse, I
chose the phrase "6th grade Social Studies"
because that is the grade level and subject that I
want to teacher.
I will definitely use mashups in my classroom in the
future because it is a great way to turn something
so simple into artwork. It will be a way that I can put a
twist on certain lectures and subjects. "Spell with Flickr"
will be a cool way to get creative with all sorts of
things. "Spell with Flickr" can be used for projects,
artwork, and etc.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thing # 7: Flickr


 I really enjoyed exploring Flickr. It is a great way to view other photographers work. Flickr was very easy to access and the images were amazing to look at. I decided not to create an account with Flickr because I would never us it, but maybe in the future I will.

When I began exploring Flickr, I wanted to find an image that would stand out and represented beauty. I immediately chose nature. There were so many options to choose from, so I chose "sunset". I chose "sunset" because every evening I like to sit outside and watch the sun set. I think that it is the most beautiful thing to watch. I feel like that no matter if I am having a bad day that by watching the sunset it will make me forget all about it. It is a stress reliever and a time where I feel like I can escape from my chaotic world for just a moment.What a coincidence that this photo is also the theme for my home. I have artwork and furniture throughout my home that mimic this very photo. I wonder if I could purchase this photo and have it as my center art piece. How cool would that be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!