Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thing # 7: Flickr


 I really enjoyed exploring Flickr. It is a great way to view other photographers work. Flickr was very easy to access and the images were amazing to look at. I decided not to create an account with Flickr because I would never us it, but maybe in the future I will.

When I began exploring Flickr, I wanted to find an image that would stand out and represented beauty. I immediately chose nature. There were so many options to choose from, so I chose "sunset". I chose "sunset" because every evening I like to sit outside and watch the sun set. I think that it is the most beautiful thing to watch. I feel like that no matter if I am having a bad day that by watching the sunset it will make me forget all about it. It is a stress reliever and a time where I feel like I can escape from my chaotic world for just a moment.What a coincidence that this photo is also the theme for my home. I have artwork and furniture throughout my home that mimic this very photo. I wonder if I could purchase this photo and have it as my center art piece. How cool would that be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


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