Monday, October 8, 2012

Thing # 10: RSS

Google Reader was very easy to access and it was even easier to set up an account because I already had a Gmail account. Subscribing to a RSS and newsreader was even easier. I probably wouldn't subscribe to any personal feeds because I rarely access the Internet unless it is for completing school work. I was able to subscribe to some interesting feeds. I chose several Social Studies feeds because that is the subject that want to teach. The feeds that I chose had great tips, offered lesson plans, and different instructional strategies for teaching Social Studies.

I will use RSS and newsreaders in my classroom when I began teaching. It will give me the opportunity to teach my students using different methods. There are constant updates for the feeds ,so I will always be updated with new information. I believe that teachers can use RSS for a variety of things. Teachers could use it to research different activities to teach a lecture. Technology is constantly growing and with the RSS and newsreaders updating information regularly; this is a great way for teachers to constantly receive information.

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