Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thing #5 Web 2.0

I think that "School 2.0" is a good thing. "School 2.0" to me means using technology to teach inside of the classroom vs. always using a textbook, pencil, and paper. Technology is being used in the classroom daily (K-5) with "educational games" on the computer that students can access during group time as a method of learning. In the article "Web 2.0: A Guide for Educators", it states that children ages 12- 17 use social networking sites for communicating about everything from school-related issues to where the next party is taking place. I believe that at this age children are very familiar with using computers and it interests them, so "School 2.0" is a great way to incorporate learning.

In the future, "School 2.0" will enhance teaching and the curriculum. It is important that teachers know how to use the technology, so that it can be incorporated into the classroom. "School 2.0" will be a great way to teach students with different methods. It will also be a great way to help our students complete projects such as using PowerPoint's vs. poster boards. I plan on teaching 6th grade Social Studies, so "School 2.0" will way for me to use visuals such as animations and videos to teach history vs. teaching straight from the textbook.

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